Building Bridges – Literally

When I arrived at the doorsteps of developed countries a long time back, what impressed me most was the attention to detail and the solid structures that proudly rose – thrusting themselves high into the sky; those bridges solid enough and shiny enough to carry millions across for years and years.

Well! Those bridges! There were thousands more – and too many to count. If so, why only the iconic structures were well maintained and others maintained just well enough to keep them looking stable.

Even if those bridges appear stable, I think what matters in the end is the visible appearance to the human eye. When visible portions of a bridge are well maintained, I believe, the appearance of that not only gives confidence to cross the bridge but also the very attention given to detail will make us feel that the warnings of any impending structural failures in near future are being discovered sooner than later.

When everything is going great, everything will go fine. However, what should you be doing when you are hit with a recession? The answer is simple, but may be difficult to implement.

Many years of maintaining what I acquired has taught me well. I can confidently say that any such total cost of maintenance is half labor and half material. Coupled with the knowledge that the generations of 1920s are known as sacrificing generations as compared to baby-boomers and Gen-M, we may have an answer. Why not make those sacrifices in labor through volunteering to build the bridges once again. What’s there to fear to make those sacrifices? Is it not the fact that when you traverse a circle, you cross the same point once more? If so, can’t we revisit this noble sacrifice once again?

This noble act will take everyone up the spiral. Why so?

Again, it is all about Trusted Giving. With labor costs gone through the trusted giving of volunteered labor, you will have only the materials worry about. The need for these materials will kick-start the manufacturing. Once the manufacturing kick-starts the supply, more bridges can be worked upon; the demand for labor goes up; the supply of labor diminishes; the laws of supply and demand will kick in;  laborers get paid once again!

However, this simple sacrifice has to be made from the human end. Here is where the blue-collared workers will shine, and will make the whole work and the country proud. However, it has to be a trusted giving to kick-start this than anything else. However, you will now hit modern problems. This simple sacrifice cannot be made due to all other regulatory constraints requiring insurance, risk mitigation and what not to go along with it!

My simple question is: Why not those assuming risk participate in trusted giving? Once this trusted giving multiplies, the results will be miraculous. All it takes is a simple sacrifice of trusted giving.