Got Brown Bread?

The whole world is going for wholesome food – whole grain, multi-grain, whatever-grain…right? So some of the bread manufacturers might have thought that it would be good to ride on this wave. Most of them with good intentions and on the right path. But a few might have thought the wave is there to make some quick money.

What do they do? Why take the effort of creating a brown bread with real xxx-grain stuff and lose the battle with big firms? Why not add the brown food color additive and still compete at a lower price? Yes. This is possible in India and it is being done. What a shame!

When you hear the news the mid-day meals program had killed many innocent children, no wonder you start to believe in these kinds of making-quick-money schemes being rampant – and they are. You just cannot trust anything that you pay for. Please set aside any dreadful thoughts of getting something free!

Even if you pay for something, do you think you can return the item just because of the problems you are facing? Forget it. When even the warranties are not covered, why take the trouble of even going back to the shop? Even those shops who claim that customers can return within seven days, make your life hell by asking you to go through several procedures at several points with several people – oh my god! The whole experience of returning is harrowing! Just a twist on this one – you are doing all this just to get a store credit. After seven days – you are a stranger!

There is yet another scheme that is rampant. The good drinking water supply is in such a scarcity, you can never trust the bottled water that you buy. There are thousand plus different brands of labeled water bottles in supply, you wonder sometimes the spring water is really a spring water. I am after the water that is supplied in 25 litre containers. See the pic below! Yuk!

These containers are supposed to be transparent to really show how crystal clear is the water inside. But the bottles are so much dirtier outside, you sometime have to lift the bottle to test whether it full or empty. I may have to buy cover for this bottle – may otherwise become sick just by looking at it.

I heard one of the customers at the shop complaining about the bad smell. The answer the customers get are typical to most outrageous. They suggest to stop buying certain brand and go for the other brand. Keep trying till you find a good one? The most outrageous one was the one to wash the water holder for each change of the bottle. Yet another customer complained about seeing an insect floating inside the water. There was nothing done by the shopkeeper except to say please try another brand.

Why such an apathy by these pure water suppliers towards supplying water in decent and clean containers? The pic below was chosen from one of the decent looking ones!

Yet another money-making-scheme!

pure water
pure water bottle