I am nothing of me

“I am nothing of me, but everything of you.”

Hello everyone! While I welcome you all to say goodbye to 2011 and say hello to 2012 very shortly, I wanted to close my 2011 blogging by sharing the message above with you all.

I have been away for some time. I was pulled away by my own thoughts after blogging for couple of days in November. After blogging on the awareness of COL and the powerful nature of its four laws that I myself had never understood to the extent that it presented itself, I went into a frozen state of an understanding that shook me to the core. It silenced all my thoughts for a long while, forced me to question everything I see, hear, smell, do, touch and  feel.

Many a times, I felt that these laws presented themselves to me over long period of mulling on the reasons behind failed or disinterested learning. Later I came to an understanding or a sixth sense that these laws used me as a messenger to write about themselves and to share them as much as I can and with as many as I can. This kind of feeling is bit weird, right? Going back to such thoughts, it might have prompted me to open this blogging page on wordpress.com, because I am not a type who blogs. It then took me to link this to my professional associations on LinkedIn and my social associations on Facebook and then to Twitter it to those who are always on the move.

Many a times this kind of realization comes from the depth of consciousness. It makes you think on things that matter most – not the self, but every thing other than self. The title of this blog is the culmination of that thought process, springing up from deep within and hopefully becoming an understanding to everyone on something that is greater than self.

A good balance of rational knowledge and intuitive knowledge is all we need to exceed in learning. I finally thought these four laws of COL are ready to govern the learning aspects of 21st century.