Trusted Learning

I ended my previous blog with Trusted Learning while starting the blog with Information Trust. Both are related. They need to intersect to form crests of trust. When that happens they give a newer meaning to the ways in which humans can learn to communicate quicker even with their diversified cultures, languages, coding and encoding of communications.

Communicating quicker does not mean using the fastest possible connections to reach out to others. It is all about the time taken to make the other person understand you. The distance does not matter as the farthest corners of the world can be now reached instantly. However, if most of the time is spent in establishing a certain level of understanding then understanding cannot happen quicker.

When the trust is established some of the minor differences melt away. However, the same minor differences can blow up to unnecessary major ones, if the trust is not there. When these major ones are analyzed more carefully to arrive at the root cause of all, most often than not we will find them as minor differences.

Let me explain this through some simple yet hypothetical scenarios. Imagine one such scenario where all the monies of the world are sucked out in one instance and no one will be able to remember what the money really is.

Now think carefully what it means to be a millionaire or a billionaire or penniless. It means nothing as no one knows what money is. It is equivalent to putting us back to the times at which we can start it all over again. If that happens, I assure you that we will be able find millions of new ways to deal with everything in this world that is currently hampering growth.

It is the pettiness of human beings that comes to forefront when the protectionism takes precedence over the adventurism.

Let me take yet another example that might be closer to reality. If you have seen the recent movie ‘Contagion’ you will understand what I mean by utter hopelessness. The movie creates new perspectives on what is really of value to us as human beings. When money could not buy, but kindness can you will soon realize that money as a valued commodity bites the dust. What finally prevails is the co-operation of human beings rather than their race or religion or money or possessions. It is worth noting what ex-president Bill Clinton said in his interview on Clinton Global Initiative on Today’s show. In a nutshell, it meant – co-operation is the road to economic recovery while the conflict is the road to newsrooms and politics.

I believe, that the trusted learning is the one that can build bridges across chasm of mistrust; it is the one that can strengthen the shaky foundations of modern economy; it is the one that can power the innovations of human minds.

Well, they sound idealistic. However, it is better to start from an ideal position to provide a stronger and a deeper meaning to what we can achieve than to start from a less than ideal to introduce apprehensive-ness on the pursued purpose.

I am bringing one more concept Circle of (doing) Business to my blog to add to the needs of 21st century and be ready to tackle it than to be surprised by it.  When Circle of Learning intersects Information Trust we achieve Trusted Learning; when Circle of Learning intersects with Circle of Innovation we achieve Innovative Learning. When Circle of Learning intersects with Circle of Business we achieve Business Learning. I can extrapolate to other fields like politics, economy, science, engineering and so many others to develop appropriate learning categories without losing the sense of completeness in each of those areas.

This brings you back to the root of learning concepts of any field that is out there – Circle of Learning.