War of Wor(l)ds!

Is this a new kind of war that we all will be subjected to? Has Twitter, with its limited view of the world, prompted even the best of the best to show their worst? If true, this shows how shallow we all have become by embracing the twitter world. This shallowness has prompted those who tweet to unleash a barrage of words, sometimes with no regard for their followers. What a pity!

I have been brought up in a world where we were told not to utter a single word, unless we are sure of it. Check the facts before you jump in to offer your opinions as those opinions may become baseless if the facts were found wanting.

Donald Trump has become notorious in using tweets (or should I say his surrogates with his approval) to say whatever he feels like saying without the regard for its distastefulness to the general public. It may attract interest or is attracting interest because he is running for an office regarded highest in the world. Does he know that?

Hillary Clinton responds – or should I say her surrogates with her approval – by tweeting to smother the effects of Mr. Trump’s tweets. Well, within the 140 character limit of the twitter world, not much can be said with any intelligence. But do they know that?

This seems to be case everywhere. Twitter is good to put out to the world, of your follower, things you would like to say – bad or good. But those tweets when they become public, your opinion is not limited to your followers – but all those who are listening to their favorite broadcasts on radio or TV will be subjected to – no matter what .

Now comes those journalists – who are reporting as they see it – are committing the worst kind of crime to offer such tweets whether we want them or not. They think we want to know what is going on the twitter world as other channels are doing it. They also jump into the same boat. It is all over again, one small tweet multiplied million times over.

Enough of this barrage of tweets and emails that are of no concern to the importance the world has to place on the way we all need to move forward as one. Boundaries do exist as cultural boundaries, as natural boundaries created by rivers, mountain ranges or seas. Rest of the boundaries are man-made. Let us address those boundaries that are causing conflicts at the cultural cross-points and barriers and give less prominence to those created by these virtual boundaries – created by the opinions of one or two, amplified million times by the wonders of the internet and heard all over with no way to stop such war of word crimes.

War of words should get its own court and justice system to punish those criminals who wound us morally than physically.