Values from Buddhism

Talk delivered by Prof. Chandraiah at RIMSE:

Enlightened one: seeing things as they are; knowing things as they are; understanding things as they are

Enlightened one: elimination of ignorance; acquisition of knowledge

buddha’s principles: eradicate suffering through enlightenment; shun bondages to become pure in mind; a way of life

accept three jewels: buddha(enlightenment); dharmam (follow whatever that is being taught); sangham (order of monks)

accept panchasheels: abstain from killing; abstain from stealing; abstain from telling lies; abstain from illicit connections with women; abstain from drinking

Four noble truths: (Aarya satyas): suffering comes from everywhere – relations, duties, attachments; desiring or craving for self to acquire is ever present; removing suffering is only possible thru controlling the mind

Eight Perspectives: understanding the things as they are in the right way; having right thoughts; having right speech; right action; pursuing right path; putting right efforts; being in the right mindfulness(live in the present); right concentration