Common Man or Currency Man

Yes. Most businesses do offer differing services depending on how they look at you. That’s understandable. But, public service entities do not have that luxury. They exist because of both common man(more diligently) and currency man(more reluctantly) do contribute to their existence. The roads do not morph into smooth roads just because you are driving a Jaguar neither the street lights shine bright upon you because you are a currency man. The water from BWSSB does not come filtered just because you have a beautiful house nor unfiltered because you are in a hut.

But these public service companies do have some tricks up their sleeves.

For example, the water supplying agency BWSSB workers do have some knowledge on who are the currency men in the street and who are not. They make sure that currency man wins and common man loses.

Forget about achieving anything worthwhile by complaining. For every complaint they have reason. I tell them, I do not want reasons, I want water supplied. Classic excuse is please check your pipes, they might have been blocked. Why should it get blocked, unless they have done something from their end to block it. Would they tell you about it? No.

Another excuse is the water pressure is low and you should get the water to your tank if you are at a high level in the street. You will be asked to wait till other tanks down the road fill up. Window of the supply is about couple of hours a day, that too alternate days. What if the tanks down the road don’t fill up within couple of hours? Your pipe will dry empty!

Another excuse is that the valve feeding the area is broken and the lineman has gone to fix it. Okay, how long will it take? No idea!

They do supply wanter through the tank trucks, but you have to pay for it. Whether you use half of it or all of it, the cost is same. Just because there is a problem from their end, they do not have a courtesy or decency to supply the water free of cost to you. Currency man wins here and common man loses.

Currency man, Influential man, Deceitful man are the winners and the common man is a loser.