Fighting spirit facing adversity

I remembered an instance back in 2014 when Jetstar flight in California landed safely how media was eager to create human drama of bravery. Need to hear such news of bravery, single mindedness in accomplishing the task in the face of adversity, more often. Of course, there are, but media wants drama for a win.

Does it help you now to recall the story on ‘Miracle on Hudson river” from 2009? It also helped to launch Twitter from an unknown existence to become synonymous as Google.

Human drama is what makes such stories gripping and easily connects us with true emotions of human beings. We tend to empathize with those who have taken a hit and surviving.

Do I hear such instances of bravery on a regular basis? No.

Do they exist? Yes.

How do we amplify such instances from their drama to make them as take away facts that could help new generation to learn from life experiences than just from the continuous feeding that crowds our air waves and social media networks?

How do we instigate intrigue as part of their learning?

How do I then amplify QTIME learning as one of the learning tools to create such an environment? Any suggestions?