Food Gap

Irrespective of the plethora of dietary variations of food or dietary supplements, we need to develop a sense of connection to the food to its roots. Breakfast cereal may be in its final form of consumption after several stages of assembly from several raw ingredients and transformation from heat or cold to its final form of texture and shape. Unless we can recognize its final form by way of the effort that has gone into it and by way of the time it took to take that shape and by way of collaboration of many systems both natural and man-made and by way of discovery by master chefs, we could not have possibly realized it on our breakfast bowl to savor it.

If we do not have this sense of cherishment of food we consume and if we fail to make it known to our future generation of kids who tend to get attracted more easily to the virtual worlds created by the games, CGIs and Ais, we will face a tough task of turning around the banes of such neglect that could prove to be worse than the banes of the climate change we are struggling now to deal with now.

The gap between the food that we have on our table to the food where it came from is gradually increasing. Many efforts that are now being made to promote a direct connection to the farm foods such as farm to table restaurants are one way to create awareness. Kitchen foundations where kids get to grow food at their schools to realize later the complex food that they are eating by looking at the ingredients on a cereal box will create more awareness. Let us do this by having a 360 degree of food by looking at the other side of the spectrum – food wastage, in the month of February.