Live small – think big

It’s a tendency among most of us to work towards something or do something to get noticed. There are others who would rather wait to be discovered for the rest to appreciate. However, one who would go around to discover something of this nature would like something for oneself. If that does not happen, things go unnoticed.

Welcome to Kony 2012!

There is a misconception about selling ourselves. Our talents, our capabilities and our attributes need to stand out or should align well to what we promote or passionate about. However, if the selling is done  with low expectations initially, but exceed when the opportunity is presents itself, the buyer may think twice before rejecting.

Live small but think big works on this principle. It is one thing to create the hype but it is totally unacceptable to mislead. By being unpretentious, we open up possibilities for others to receive us in many different ways. Thankfully, we see that coming fruition and holding the truth with Kony 2012 going viral. Being cheesy results in decisions on a flip of a coin. Moreover, when the money comes in, it is important to allocate a lion share to fight the cause than to spend a lion share marketing the cause itself!

Who would have thought small voices make such big differences? – if not for the presence of social networking opportunities provided by Facebook, professional networking opportunities provided by LinkedIn, graphically telling the stories through videos on YouTube and the list goes on.

What really matters now is to think big and use these avenues to pull in small voices to be heard collectively to make it loud enough to be heard around the world. Please, let us use these tools for a good purpose like this one to make a difference.

Live small – think big!