Toshiba A200 series

Do you know that A200 series laptops from Toshiba suffers from an occasional bios issue that Toshiba had a program to set it right up until December 2010?

I did not know that till today when my laptop did not wake up after yesterday’s normal shutdown. I was staring at a blue screen with Enter Password prompt wondering where the heck it came from. With all the laptop issues I had experienced with HP, Dell, IBM and so many others, this was unique. But I did not know about this and about the program till I called Toshiba.

When questioned about their policy of not letting the owner of their product know about this so that a fix can be done before the warranty expired, I got the answer that it would cause unnecessary fixes to thousands of laptops, when the issue is limited to a few.

Accepting that, I just do not know why they have to have a sunset clause as December 2010! Instead, they could simply have said that if the problem occurs during a normal use they will happily get it fixed at no cost. That’s what I call customer service. I don’t think I will ever by a Toshiba after this experience if they do not acknowledge their mistake and compensate me for my troubles, wasted time and effort and money.