Arm Teachers? Why not but should we?

Arm Teachers! What a joke to even think ‘Arm Teachers” is a good viable solution to school violence! Why not arm everybody? Is that the message the President Trump sending everyone!

I earnestly hope that not everyone in America has lost their minds and at least some one is out there to see what I am seeing as an answer to such a plaguing question that America is facing not today, but since the time they enacted the constitutional rights to own a gun. Ok! Own a gun at your private residence. But when you bring it out, you own it in public and unless you are a law enforcement agency or a soldier, you are committing an offence to entire humanity!

‘Eye for and eye makes the whole world blind’ is such a truth that will last for decades or centuries of humankind. I am not good at words in saying what I feel is the truth, but I will ensure that some truth will come out to justify this madness of arming the teachers to go away from this post.

Schools were once the place where our parents sent us to learn. They were considered as temples of learning. If so, are we going to allow guns to be carried into temples of whatever the religious affiliation might be?

In our days we had fist fights with our fellow students, threw abuses at each other and still managed to become friends next day. Because the essence of going to school is to learn something that will one day makes us adults to enjoy what the world has to offer, to survive and let the systems that we have put in place to survive to sustain the civility that is the essence of being a human in a modern society.

We will continue to have bad and good elements in the society no matter how civilized a society can become. They can never go away. We introduced the law enforcement system to deal with those bad elements, did they away? We only could reduce the impact of it to some extent, but not eliminate!

We all have forgotten that in the process of creating systems to bring civility into the community, the exact same process has changed the community outlook towards each other through education and scientific and technological achievements. These are the testaments to the current prosperity we are enjoying and we want to give the same to our next generation.

No wonder our parents’ generation was labelled as sacrificial generation and we as baby boomers. Without their sacrifices we would not have boomed the way we did in every field of science, engineering, health and globalism that eradicated many misconceptions of race, creed, ethnicity and religion to unify us as a single humanity.

Now do we want to break it up as several? Let us see what could happen if we arm teachers. The number of guns will grow that many times as there are teachers. Assume that we managed to control the gun violence at schools because of that. Are we going to sustain it for longer periods of time? Please note that I am saying we managed the violence by escalating the number of guns available. We have yet to consider the fact that they have to be trained to be better equipped to deal with the tool that they have in their hands no matter what their mindset would be.

It is better to bring something of context and relevance to gun control. What we have in our core DNA as human beings is the killing instinct from the days of hunting and gathering before the days of settling and dairy farming. Once you put a gun in someone’s hand, it should be understood that the killing instinct will surface at some point in time as anger or empathy and will result in irreversible violence. Just to amplify that core DNA attribute, many hunters still have that right now by making hunting as a sport even when it need not be. Who has given us any rights as a human being to kill another animal, but not one of your own kind? No one. That’s right. You can kill your own kind too. You are either a criminal or a hero depending on the system that is looking at you to judge.

In spite of the strong arms of the law that is supposed to protect the community at large, we still see more gun deaths than the deaths that occur as a result of a war. When guns can kill you in an instant, it is better that we label it as more dangerous than the Internet as Internet has decimated the sex offenders in fraction of a second. At least on the internet, you have chance to redeem yourself, but once you are dead, you cannot.

Moving from law enforcement having guns to counteract the criminals having guns has not slowed the rate at which criminals can acquire guns or the range of guns they can acquire. How could we have missed this harsh truth before thinking of equipping yet another segment of the community to fight the bad elements? Aren’t we facing a darker scene of making more students criminals, just because they see now that teachers have guns? They will try to get more powerful guns than the guns that teachers own.

What are we going to end up with? Teachers will become law enforcement officials at schools and to deal with the inadvertent crimes they commit become as harrowing as the inadvertent crimes that law enforcement officials often commit. From a section of the community who owned guns as soldiers, we expanded that to law enforcement and yet again expanded to teaching community and the question is will it stop or can it stop to get expanded to scientific community, engineering community, health community and so on and so forth? One small incident then will get easily blown up into a chaotic gun violence that may even decimate the humanity one day. Is this what we want?