
Awareness of your surroundings, your positioning in this global workplace, your understanding of your capabilities, your understanding of what you can deliver comes with two things – Education and Skill.

While the education can give you the awareness necessary to understand your capabilities, the surrounding that you are able to work in, that alone cannot give you the skill to deliver results. Sometimes, it is said that the skillfulness is associated with the experience in the field; some other times it is said to be with the orientation you receive; with the training you receive; with the coaching you receive; with the advice you receive; with the mentoring you receive. The skills can become obsolete overnight or can last for generations or so in-grained in your bloodstreams, it can be with you till you die.

Do you now see the vast difference between receiving an education and acquiring the necessary skills? All that I have said regarding skill is true when it comes to skill development. While education is the necessary part of the skill development, it is not sufficient to make you skilled at what you do in the surrounding that your acquired education has landed you in.

May be that I have not used very powerful words to drive home the above fact. However, the nature of skill development, the effort to develop the skill, the trust that you need to have within yourself and with your mentor, the trust you need to have with the participatory organizations and the imagination that is needed to make you unique and successful in delivering result is all governed by the laws of COL.

Once you understand those laws, you are going to be an enlightened human being, if you are an organization you will be an enlightened organization and if you are a nation then you will be an enlightened nation.

Is that a powerful statement to make? Is that a powerful awareness? A resounding YES according to the laws of COL.

Now the laws of COL are nothing but the four circles that I have been blogging about for some time. They are here once again: The Circle of Learning is the starting step towards skills development. The Circle of Effort is the effort needed for each quadrant of Circle of Learning. The Circle of Trust starts from developing self-trust all the way to gaining societal trust. The Circle of Innovation completes your journey by helping you to unlearn the skills that are obsolete, and re-learn the skills that are relevant and learn to market the acquired skills.

The cycle continues at each and every time you find it relevant to do this all over again.

Start Happy Learning! Obtain Great Education! Acquire Useful Skills!