B-Square: Benchmark and Begin

Wouldn’t you be very surprised if I say that you are benchmarking whatever you are doing everyday – unconsicously? If so, why not make it an unconscious effort for learning too?

This B-square quadrant is very important to enhance the learnings from other quadrants. A-square quadrant that I talked about puts you in touch with something else or someone else to acquire from and apply what has been acquired on what you do.

Benchmark what has been learnt against what is not learnt yet or what is still out there. It gives that essential GAP perspective to either allow you to traverse the circle to other quadrants or expand the circle to include more.

Once you have got the right perspective, you must Begin either traversing to the quadrant or expanding the circle – it is a MUST. Many a times I have seen the brightest of the brightest waiting for the right moment to begin – but please know this: there is nothing like the right moment. Any moment is the right moment – sooner you begin better it will be.

Please don’t lose the opportunity to help yourself to begin with – to help others.