Why quadrants in COL(Circle of Learning)

I am excited as well as humbled by the fact that so many of you have started reading this blog. I am happy to see that the concept is catching on.

Just to recap quickly on what has been blogged so far, the main concepts are COL and ABCD quadrants. Yesterday I covered the ABCD quadrant in a nutshell. I will  cover the rest by restarting on these quadrants on a more detailed basis by giving specific success stories pertaining to each quadrant.

By this time, you might have inferred that in pursuit of a complete learning on any given subject, A-quadrant supplies only 25% of the entire learning that is possible. The rest of the 75% learning come from BCD-quadrants.

To introduce the B quadrant for today or B-square quadrant, it is all about Benchmark and Begin. Benchmark what you have acquired and applied against any metrics that are appropriate and Begin discovering the C and the D quadrants.

Benchmarking can happen in many ways under many different circumstances. One such benchmarking will happen for students learning at schools and universities by way of grading systems that are adapted to measure the success of learning. More on this in my next blog.