Education in 21st century can be revamped easily. But how?

Start with what 21st century has got to offer. Take advantage of the technologies and the ways of communicating to begin with. Websites, Wikis, Podcasts, Blogs, Twitter, and, many more to come are all part of this new way of communicating in the 21st century. We can blend these into 21st century education.

However, it still depends on how strong the old roots are to establish new roots, new branches and new leaves – circle of life continues!

The concept of Circle of Learning (COL) is similar to Circle of Life. With the centuries of learnings, as old roots, COL aims to establish newer roots for 21st century, intertwined with new ways of communicating, in most wonderful and exciting ways. COL side steps from mass education of 20th century to create a targeted education required for the 21st century by its unique, simple yet basic, ABCD quadrants of learning.

COL is based one fundamental principle: New learning creates new life and new life creates new learning.

The COL model elaborates on the learning concepts for the 21st century in a much more meaningful way by taking a leaf out of these great learners and scholars of 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. COL integrates learnings of earlier centuries with the 21st century learning tools to master the evolving landscape by providing new perspectives on delivering education for the 21st century Gen M masses.

Sir Issac Newton’s Laws of Gravity made us to understand the planetary motions to take us eventually to space. Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity equations, relating energy to mass, powered the entire world in new ways. We have come a long way in our understanding of what education means and how learning has to evolve to meet the needs of educating humanity to shape the world for future generations.

COL embraces FOUR learning quadrants. These four quadrants get their perspective from FOUR cornerstones required to create the solid foundation for learning. The journey around these four quadrants takes place in a multi-dimensional setting for learning. QTiME Learning is one such framework created with Four dimensions for learning. Many more frameworks may follow suit and only time will be a good predictor as Robots and AI intertwin our lives and pushing the explosion of Internet to a distant memory.

The four dimensions of QTiME are Trust, Innovation, Method and Effort. Quadrants and dimensions together give birth to quadrant based QTiME Learning framework.

My blogs will elaborate on the concept of quadrant learning in all four dimensions on a regular basis to bring home a new meaning to the concept of learning for the 21st century. We need to be moving away from the delivery model of 20th century  where education to masses was the prime focus to the delivery model for the 21st century where the targeted learning will become the prime focus enabled by QTiME.

Quadrant learning in four dimensions, aka QTIME learning, is an holistic learning framework for the manifestation of a complete learning to bring out the perfection that is already in YOU.