No big statements or giant mission statements, but kept intentionally simplistic to promote any learning to be as simple as learning alphabets – ABCD alphabets of QTIME learning.

The Circle model is chosen to symbolize the cyclical, continuous, ever expanding but bounded form of learning with an underlying offering that the process of learning can start anywhere. This is the philosophy of QTIME Learning Framework.

The laws governing COL keep the life forces of learning within each dimension tight and cohesive, yet letting the processes that govern learning to flow freely across all dimensions to create a FOUR DIMENSIONAL learning experience, an holistic framework for learning in 21st Century. Method dimension framework is presented here as an example.

Method Dimension

Apply, Benchmark, Collaborate and Deliver quadrants of Circle of learning (COL) become the foundation quadrants for the learning in Method Dimension of QTiME Learning.

Acquire, Begin, Connect and Discover - the continuous and the cyclical Actions of COL - become the Key Learning Actions for Learning in Method Dimension of QTIME learning framework.

Founding Quadrants principles

Apply: Solid learning at the center of excellence

Benchmark: A way to understand the volatility of the Changing World and the on-going need for continuous benchmarking.

Collaborate: A purpose to foster well-knit community at the center to foster knowledge.

Deliver: A commitment amidst the volatility.

A purpose to foster well-knit community at the center to foster knowledge.

Founding Actions principles

Acquire: Solid acquisition at the center of excellence

Begin: Begin to deal with the volatility of the Changing World.

Connect: A well-connected community at the center to foster knowledge.

Discover: The volatility of a skilled Profession and the on-going need for continuous learning.

A well-connected community at the center to foster knowledge.

Founding Dimensions principles


Builds Trust in Learning, Delivery, Curriculum and Infrastructure


Creates the necessary Mindset required to Innovate and to know that innovation has occurred.


Discovers the Methodologies that are simple, universal and powerful yet flexible enough to adapt to the changing landscape of Learning.


Promotes key effort types that are necessary, minimal and aligned yet capable of deriving maximum benefits