D-square – Do and Discover

The fourth quadrant and the last quadrant in the Circle of Learning.

Many a times we have come across stories of great discoveries from all corners of the world, from those who have not either had a normal education or a did well in their studies at schools and colleges.

Why so? How come?

D-square quadrant provides answers for such greatness with Do and Discover focus. One great example that comes to my mind is Albert Einstein whose passion was light and nothing but light till such time he could put together that famous equation that took four more yeas of convincing after he realized it.

Sir Issac Newton book ‘Principia’ embraced this very concept through experimentation to postulate theories on the ways in which the world works. Most of his famous discoveries were made during his absence from college that was spread well over 18 months.

Do you need examples from the recent past? How about household names like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. The examples are plenty and are from all over the world and in almost all faculties of studies that are embraced at most of the colleges and universities.

Traversing these ABCD quadrants to best of your abilities, does not matter how long you spend your time in these quadrants, completes your journey around the circle of learning.

I will explore the kind of energy, focus and commitment required for these quadrants to succeed no matter what. You need not necessarily be an A-grader to discover the fruits of accomplishment by traversing the circle of learning.

Leave the line; commute the circle.