Meet or Tweet

Yes. Tweeting was virtually unheard of till its potential for quick update was discovered on that particular day when we saw, heard and felt the ‘Miracle on Hudson’. That was the turning point for Twitter, which was not noticed till then for years for its usefulness.

Now everybody is tweeting, everyone wants to follow their celebrities, or their heroes or their friends or their families. The whole world is buzzing. How was this world before that? Anything different?

Why is this sudden urge to connect? Is it about the pent-up energy of cocooned individual being released into unknown? Or, is it about connecting to everything in an already connected world, since everybody is doing it?

Then comes tablets with a power more powerful than a tweet – a video chat with your friends whenever you want or wherever you are! Wow! That is connecting at a different level higher than Twitter or Facebook or any other social network.

Or is it all back to square one?

What exactly did we achieve by moving to tablet for a audio-video enabled chat? Talking with each other as we should? With a newer dimension of capturing those lovely moments with your loved ones – each smile, cry, joyful dance or whatever can? To relive those moments than putting them in thousand words or on you tube to see later or keep connected to social networks all the time? How much of precious life that you have on this world is being wasted in often unnecessary, unwanted and unneeded connections?

When we are back again to meet each other person to person through tablets and video enabled talks, that is great. But is it not the case where technology has come one full circle to make person to person meeting a happen again?

Now I think I should truly quit complaining about sharing emotions through emoticons, connecting with pictures that become ancient in a second, connecting through emails that does not have a personal touch of a hand-written mail and embrace connecting through video instantly – like never before.

Thanks to tablets for making it happen, thanks to networking engineers for making that happen and thanks to all those millions who want connect this way! Let’s bring back the human side to the connections we make to build stronger communities, tolerant communities and knowledgeable communities and those communities who will set new standards in living each day of our lives.