Technical Reviews
Object Orientation
BR1. Object Oriented Software Engineering
BR2. Object Oriented System Design
You will need a password to open the book reviews. Please sign up the guestbook entering; ‘requesting book review password’ in the comments field. The password will be mailed to the email address supplied. Alternatively, please send us an email with the subject field ‘requesting book review password’.
Most of these book reviews are presented chapter wise. We believe this way, you will get an in depth understanding of what the book is trying to cover before owning the book as a personal copy.
Please note that this site is still under development. As and when we get time, we will update the books with the complete details including the ISBN number to uniquely identify the book.
Non-Technical Reviews
Business Presentation
BR1. Presenting to Win
BR2. Business Presentations
You will need a password to open the book reviews. Please sign up the guestbook entering; ‘requesting book review password’ in the comments field. The password will be mailed to the email address supplied. Alternatively, please send us an email with the subject field ‘requesting book review password’.
Most of these book reviews are presented chapter wise. We believe this way, you will get an in depth understanding of what the book is trying to cover before owning the book as a personal copy.
Please note that this site is still under development. As and when we get time, we will update the books with the complete details including the ISBN number to uniquely identify the book.
This is an attempt to provide an understanding of the books that we have come across to read. It is by no means exhaustive – but is an effort to lead others to think of contributing in a similar fashion to this learning corner. The reviews are generally password protected.
The review of a book holds its value to the year it belongs to. If the book covers some fundamental aspects of a subject, the review may hold its value for a long time. You be the judge.