
Consider this. If you are playing Golf now, then you might have been playing for many years or might have just started now. Whatever may be the case, I have come across one common thing across all Golfers so far.All of them remember, how they got introduced to this game of Golf! Trust me on this. I bet your times of stepping into this game will be as exciting as I the stories I have heard from fellow golfers.So you might be asking what is the purpose of this page. It is to introduce fellow golfers, wherever they might be in this world through their stories of how they started their golfing days.

You might be curious then to know how I started golfing. It started in Australia almost a good ten years back. My good friend told me that this game is as easy as hitting a stationary ball with a stick and let it fly in the air with the purpose of getting it as close to the hole as possible with as few shots as possible! I went with him to see how he would manage this, but when I tried I was all over the place; my golf stick was flying above the ball, next to it and if at all I managed to make the contact, I could not predict where it would go or how far it would go.

However, my friend was hitting it so consistently that I had no other option but to take it up as a challenge to learn the science of hitting the stationary ball with a swinging stick as consistently as my friend was doing. Trust me on this – while it can be frustrating, it can be quite rewarding too. Since, then I have never looked back on my weekend golfing!


None around follows this sports as avidly as my friend Arun and my son. It might be interesting to note that one-day test cricket started as an accident. When a 5-day test match got washed out back in 1971 between India and England, only the last day of the test match remaining, the teams decided to play a 50-over match each to decide on a result. Lo! and behold! We now have progressed into 20-20 cricket matches with lots of fanfare that is usually limted to matches like basketball and football in US.


Ask my daughter on how to be a Dolphin. Ask her mother how she made her as a dolphin. Ask her teachers on how they drilled into her the discipline of mastering the strokes by practice!


Just ask my son for stats! Just not for this sport – for any sport. An avid follower of Chicago Bulls, he only gave up on the team when Derrick Rose could not!

This corner is as exciting as the Science of Sport itself.

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